The phases of motherhood: gently guiding you through the first year of motherhood
Welcome to Motherhood
As soon as the baby arrives, it’s common for the attention to shift and focus on your newborn’s stages of development. We tend to overlook the fact that the mother is also evolving through her stages of development and becoming. Postpartum doesn’t magically end at 6 weeks. It doesn’t even end at 6 months. We must look at the postpartum period as an entire year filled with adjustment, identity transformation, and complex change.
Each mother’s journey is different, but there are some shared obstacles along the way and you don’t have to navigate them alone. No matter what stage of the postpartum experience you’re in, emotional and mental health support is so valuable in setting you up for success and gently easing you into the transition to motherhood (or motherhood again).
What to Expect in the First Year
The 4 phases of motherhood span the first year postpartum. Each phase brings its own unique challenges, but there are common shared experiences in this specific chapter of life. The phases are named to capture an intention to guide you through this journey and I’ll be there as well to encourage, empower, and educate you as a new mom.
Find out which phase you’re in and sign up for support that’s specifically tailored to you and to the challenges you’re facing in your current stage of motherhood. Sometimes simply knowing a bit of what to expect and understanding you’re not facing motherhood alone, can alleviate many of the burdens and worries.
PHASE 2 — Months 4-6
The Re-Emergence: Compassionately navigating the new
PHASE 1 — Months 1-3
The Beginning: Restoring and nurturing the body and mind
PHASE 4 — Months 10-12
The Milestone: Empowering the inner voice
PHASE 3 — Months 7-9
The Evolution: Embracing the growing pains
1. The Beginning
In this phase your body is recovering, you’re sleep-deprived, you’re asking yourself how do I even feed this baby, and your own needs are often overlooked. Many moms feel so much pressure to get it “right” and self-doubt during this time is common, especially if you don’t have a pack of mom friends going through similar struggles. It’s is all about surviving, giving yourself credit for the small wins, and being kind through the challenges. It’s a lot for anyone to manage, but with proper support, the transition to motherhood can be made more gently.
2. The Re-Emergence
You’re now finally leaving the total fog you’ve been in since the baby arrived. This is a time to start learning more about who you are as a mother and an opportunity to express your needs amidst all the newness. For many moms, mental health challenges peak around 3 months postpartum, but you’re learning tools to make the journey a little less bumpy. There’s a lot of anxiety, self-doubt, uncertainty, adjusting, and transitions. Fortunately, your baby is finally starting to become more responsive, which helps with your ability to bond and makes the relationship feel a little less one-sided.
3. The Evolution
Just like your baby, who is constantly exploring and taking in new information every day, you’re also learning as you progress in this journey. There is so much physical and emotional growth for both baby and mom during this time and the hope is you can begin to embrace these identity changes as you continue becoming a mother. One of the biggest challenges of Phase 3 is the ebb and flow of a mother’s confidence. This is largely because babies are always changing and presenting you with new challenges (and wonderful surprises), yet you expect yourself to do better, know more, and already have it under control.
4. The Milestone
You’re approaching the end of the first year of motherhood, but everything is still very physically demanding. Baby is on the move, climbing, crawling, and we don’t realize how the physical impact can take a toll on mental health. If you’re nursing, you may have already stopped or are considering it now and this comes with its own set of physical, hormonal, and emotional effects. You’ve done so much in this past year and you’re a stronger, more empowered woman because of it. You now know everything it takes to be a mother, you’re thriving in every way, and your confidence is off the charts, but the truth is you’re going to have good days and bad days. This phase is about highlighting all the strengths you’ve gained over this past year and empowering you to continue on through the roadblocks.